
Update of "Fossil"

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Artifact ID: fafff333a03c8f3f68c250ad45253796e50bbd34
Page Name:Fossil
Date: 2011-12-02 14:59:04
Original User: peter
Next 27f1dce1bccc8570b354b73e69c4cbb65960d32db5ae3a1bc535ce8afc3382c8

Eskil can compare versions in meny revision control systems including Fossil.

If you specify only one file on the command line to Eskil, it will automatically detect if the file is under revision control and enter revision control mode.

By default the local file is compared against the latest checked in version. This is for the common case when you just want to know what you have changed before checking in.

You can use the -r option to select which versions to compare. The -r option works as in fossil finfo.


Compare file.txt with the latest checked in version:

eskil file.txt

Compare file.txt with the specified version:

eskil -r rev file.txt

Compare the two revisions. This does not involve the local copy of file.txt.

eskil -r rev1 -r rev2 file.txt

The -r options are also available in the GUI in the "Rev 1" and "Rev 2" fields.

Commit support

When comparing a file with the latest checked in version, Eskil can commit directly to Fossil.

View all changes

If the command line option -review is used, Eskil will generate a patch for the current tree and display it as in patch mode.

eskil -preview [files] 

If file names are given after -review, only the listed files are included. The Commit button will be enabled allowing the viewed differences to be committed directly from Eskil.

Conflict merging

Eskil can be used as the conflict resolution tool for Fossil by configuring the gmerge-command setting like this:
fossil settings gmerge-command 'eskil -fine -a "%baseline" "%merge" "%original" -o "%output"' -global